Trauma Hurts.
Empathy Heals!
Discover Your #1 Mental Health
Education Resource Destination
Trauma Hurts.
Empathy Heals!
Discover Your #1 Mental Health
Education Resource Destination
Get access to cutting edge information about the most challenging mental health issue facing us all: TRAUMA!
DA-TRI (Pronounced “The Try”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating trauma worldwide by providing education and training in Empathy Skills Practice for Traumatized Humans™, a revolutionary methodology to help learners activate the most evolved part of the brain, the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) to overcome the impact of trauma on our primitive brain systems. You may think that damage from psychological trauma is permanent! We have good news!!! Trauma is treatable! Through our Trauma Recovery Academy and other intiatives, DA-TRI provides guidance through the journey to master your brain, body and behavior!
Informative and entertaining lessons designed to update your understanding of Your Self
Dive deep into exploring the impact of our thoughts, feelings and learned behaviors that affect every relationship, personal and professional.
Learners are challenged to use practical cognitive tools to find better words and actions during intense emotions.
Watch our video guide – enroll in the
Trauma Recovery Academy today!
Get Your Early Bird Ticket Today! VIP access for the price of regular admission $199 ($299 Value). Discover the essentials of the human brain and mental health. The Trauma C.U.R.E. is a 2 day virtual live educational event where you’ll learn how to Retrain Your Brain with Dr. Alauna’s Empathy Skills Practice™ techniques.